Official Rules
The 2024 Enchanted Brewing Challenge is open to all amateur homebrewers in the USA. This year's competition will take place at The Craftroom in Albuquerque. Winners will be awarded medals and may also be eligible to win prizes from one of our generous sponsors.
NOTE: You must be present at the awards ceremony to receive prizes, other than medals. If you can’t make it, you may send a representative to receive your prize for you.
The competition is limited to a total of 150 entries across all approved BJCP styles (see the style guidelines here). We reserve the right to combine BJCP categories into a competitive set of similar beers (Beers will be judged according to their declared BJCP style).
Registration Information
Registration is handled via ReggieBeer
Fee: $10.00 per entry
Two (2) 12 oz bottles per entry required. However, other sizes are accepted. Sorry, we cannot return bottles.
There will be a maximum of 3 entries per person and only once per style
Example: You can enter a Mild, British Brown, and a Porter (13 A, B, C) but you can’t have two Porters, which is a sub style of Category 13.
Method of Payment:
Important dates:
Entry registration: 7/19/2024 - 8/2/2024
Early Registration available for New Mexico Brewers: 7/12/2024 - 7/18/2024
Judging dates: 8/10, 8/11, 8/17, 8/18
Awards ceremony: TBD
Bottles will be accepted during the general registration window from 7/19 thru 8/2.
Drop-off Locations:
Entries can be mailed to The Craftroom or dropped off at the locations listed below. Please enter your drop-off location in the reggiebeer site so that we can keep track of how many entries we need to pick up at each site.
– If mailing entries please write “Attn: Dukes of Ale” on the label
The Craftroom, 2809 Broadbent Pkwy NE. Albuquerque, NM 87107
Rowley’s Farmhouse Ales, 1405 Maclovia St. Santa Fe, NM 87505
Southwest Grape & Grain, 3401 Candelaria Blvd NE, Suite E/G, Albuquerque, NM 87107
All bottles must arrive at the drop off locations by the end of the business day on August 2nd, 2024.​
http://www.bjcp.org/stylecenter.php where this link will give you style guidelines for beer.
Two (2) 12 oz bottles per entry required.
Place entry label on the NECK of the bottle with a rubber band. Don’t glue it on, so we can remove it easily. Remove any labels or other identifiers that may indicate whose beer it is, for fair judging purposes.
Broken bottle policy: If an entry arrives broken, we will attempt to notify the entrant. If no bottles are capable of being judged, the entrant will be refunded. If we have a single bottle, then it will be judged, but ineligible for the best-of-show. We will attempt to accommodate entrants if they can get a replacement to us before judging.
Missing bottle policy: We will attempt to contact entrants if their entries are not received by the close of registration to see if the bottles haven't arrived yet. We will attempt to accommodate and judge late entries that arrive only at the Craftroom, however no guarantees will be made. No refunds will be provided to missing entries.
Please direct any questions you have to (Competition Director Jon S.) at jdsterk@gmail.com Competition software (reggiebeer) questions can be sent to Nelson@reggiebeer.com.
Note: The judges reserve the right to combine categories if there are less than 5 entries.
Pale American Beer
1A. American Light Lager
1B. American Lager
1C. Cream Ale
1D. American Wheat Beer
18A. Blonde Ale
Pale European Beer
2A. International Pale Lager
4A. Munich Helles
4B. Festbier
5A. German Leichtbier
5B. Kölsch
5C. German Helles Exportbier
3A. Czech Pale Lager
3B. Czech Premium Pale Lager
5D. German Pils
27F. Pre-Prohibition Lager
Amber European Beer
2B. International Amber Lager
3C. Czech Amber Lager
6A. Märzen
7A. Vienna Lager
7B. Altbier
7C. Kellerbier*
Dark European Lager
2C. International Dark Lager
3D. Czech Dark Lager
8A. Munich Dunkel
8B. Schwarzbier
Strong European Lager
4C. Helles Bock
6C. Dunkles Bock
9A. Doppelbock*
9B. Eisbock
9C. Baltic Porter
German Wheat Beer
10A. Weissbier
10B. Dunkles Weissbier
10C. Weizenbock*
27H. Roggenbier
27I. Sahti
Pale British Ale
11A. Ordinary Bitter
11B. Best Bitter
11C. Strong Bitter
12A. British Golden Ale
12B. Australian Sparkling Ale
12C. English IPA
Scottish & Irish Ale
14A. Scottish Light
14B. Scottish Heavy
14C. Scottish Export
15A. Irish Red Ale
American Pale Ale (18B)
Amber & Brown American Ale
19A. American Amber Ale
19B. California Common
19C. American Brown Ale
27B. Kentucky Common
Brown British Beer
13A. Dark Mild
13B. British Brown Ale
13C. English Porter
27D. London Brown Ale
British & Irish Stout
15B. Irish Stout
15C. Irish Extra Stout
16A. Sweet Stout
16B. Oatmeal Stout
16C. Tropical Stout
16D. Foreign Extra Stout
Either “create a new account”, or if you’ve competed using reggiebeer, just type in your last name, and reggiebeer will give you a list to pick your full name from. Once you’re “in”, start populating your entries & information, then when you’re happy with the entries, print the labels, as-per the instructions.
Click on the Reggiebeer.com link to get to this competition, AND, when you get redirected to paypal, use the “Buy Now” option, then write “EBC entry fee” in the paypal note-to-seller, so we can keep track of it.
American Porter & Stout
20A. American Porter
20B. American Stout
27G. Pre-Prohibition Porter
Imperial Stout (20C)
American IPA (21A)
Specialty IPA (all)* (21B)
Strong American Ale
22A. Double IPA
22B. American Strong Ale
22C. American Barleywine
22D. Wheatwine
Strong UK Ale
17A. English Strong Ale
17B. Old Ale
17C. Wee Heavy
17D. English Barleywine
Saison (25B)*
Belgian Ale
24A. Witbier
24B. Belgian Pale Ale
24C. Biere de Garde*
25A. Belgian Blond Ale
26A. Trappist Single
34A. Clone Beer (Belgian Styles)
Strong Belgian Ale
25C. Belgian Golden Strong Ale
26B. Belgian Dubbel
26C. Belgian Tripel
26D. Belgian Dark Strong Ale
European Sour Ale
23A. Berliner Weisse
23B. Flanders Red Ale
23C. Oud Bruin
23D. Lambic
23E. Gueuze
23F. Fruit Lambic*
27A. Historical: Gose
Fruit Beer
29A. Fruit Beer*
29B. Fruit and Spice Beer*
29C. Specialty Fruit Beer*
Spiced Beer
30A. Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer*
30B. Autumn Seasonal Beer*
30C. Winter Seasonal Beer*
Smoke-Flavored Beer
6B. Rauchbier
27C. Lichtenhainer
27E. Piwo Grodziskie
32A. Classic Style Smoked Beer*
32B. Specialty Smoked Beer*
Wood-Aged Beer
33A. Wood-Aged Beer*
33B. Specialty Wood-Aged*
American Wild Ale
28A. Brett Beer*
28B. Mixed Ferm. Sour Beer*
28C. Wild Specialty Beer*
Specialty Beer
31A. Alternative Grain Beer*
31B. Alternative Sugar Beer*
34D. Clone Beer (non-Belgian)*
34B. Mixed-Style Beer*
34C. Experimental Beer*
27J. Other Historical Beer*